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Charity activities are taken place around the world.
Emergency spinal surgery and medivac
$0 of $45,200 raised
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Hey my father Alan Ablett (under a wandering star) has been traveling the world on his motorbike and has had a really bad crash in Turkey. He went straight in for emergency spinal surgery and then spent 5 days in ICU. He has no control over his lower extremities and is in a lot of pain with little to no treatment. My brother and I have flown over to be with him and due to the medical system in Turkey we are now his careers, there are no nurses to help and seemingly no road to recovery here. We need to get our father back to Australia for proper assessment and treatment. Insurance is out the window and the medical expenses as well as medivac costs are going to be on us. As you can imagine the bill is going to be substantial. We have engaged a medivac team and have been quoted $76 000 at this stage, we are waiting for the bill from the hospital including ambulance fees, emergency spinal surgery and 5 days in ICU. We will update as we know more. Anything will help.